1. 購票 (Buying Tickets)
Seat(座位)、Box office(售票處)、General admission(普通票)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “Hi, I’d like to buy tickets for tomorrow’s game.” B: “Sure, which section would you like?” | A: “嗨,我想買明天比賽的票。” B: “好的,您想選哪一區的票?” |
A: “I’d like a seat in the lower level.” B: “Great! That will be [price] dollars.” | A: “我想要下層區的座位。” B: “沒問題,這張票是[價格]元。” |
A: “Do you have any student discounts?” B: “Yes, we offer a 10% discount for students with an ID.” | A: “有學生票折扣嗎?” B: “有的,持學生證可以享有 10% 的折扣喔!” |
2. 球場入場 (Entering the Stadium)
Gate(入口)、Security check(安檢)、Bag check(包包檢查)
Ticket scanner(票務掃描)、Turnstile(旋轉門)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “Where’s Gate A?” B: “Gate A is on the left, right by the entrance.” | A: “A門在哪裡?” B: “A門就在左邊,進去的入口旁邊。” |
A: “Do I need to open my bag for inspection?” B: “Yes, please open your bag for a security check.” | A: “我需要打開包包檢查嗎?” B: “是的,請打開包包做安檢。” |
3. 找到座位 (Finding Your Seat)
Row(排) 、Seat number(座位號)、Aisle(過道)、Reserved(預定)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “Excuse me, is this seat 15?” B: “Yes, this is row 10, seat 15. You’re in the right place.” | A: “請問這是15號座位嗎?” B: “是的,這是第10排,第15個座位,您坐對了。” |
A: “Could you please help me find my seat?” B: “Sure, what’s your seat number?” A: “It’s section B, row 12, seat 10.” | A: “能幫我找到座位嗎?” B: “當然,您的座位號是?” A: “B區12排10號” |
4. 比賽中購買食物和飲料 (Buying Food and Drinks)
Concessions(小吃攤)、Hot dog(熱狗)、Popcorn(爆米花)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “Can I get a hot dog and a soda, please?” B: “Sure, that’ll be [price] dollars.” | A: “可以給我一個熱狗和一瓶汽水嗎?” B: “好的,總共[價格]元。” |
A: “Do you have any vegetarian options?” B: “Yes, we have veggie wraps and salads.” | A: “有素食的選擇嗎?” B: “有的,我們有素食包裹和沙拉。” |
A: “How much is a beer?” B: “It’s [price] dollars for a large.” | A: “啤酒多少錢?” B: “大杯啤酒是[價格]元。” |
5. 觀看比賽 (Watching the Game)
Strike(好球)、Ball(壞球) 、Home run(全壘打)、Foul(界外球)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “Who’s pitching today?” B: “The starting pitcher is [pitcher’s name].” | A: “今天是誰在投球?” B: “是[投手名字]在投先發。” |
A: “What inning is it?” B: “We’re in the top of the 5th.” | A: “現在是第幾局了?” B: “我們現在是第五局上半。” |
A: “Did he hit a home run?” B: “Yes, it was a 3-run homer!” | A: “他打全壘打了嗎?” B: “是的,這是一支三分全壘打!” |
A: “What’s the score?” B: “It’s [score].” | A: “比數是多少?” B: “現在是[比分]。” |
6. 比賽結束後 (After the Game)
Exit(出口)、Parking lot(停車場)、Taxi(計程車)、Public transportation(大眾交通)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “Where’s the nearest exit?” B: “The exit is straight ahead, next to the parking lot.” | A: “最近的出口在哪裡?” B: “出口就在前面,停車場旁邊。” |
A: “Can I get a taxi here?” B: “Yes, there’s a taxi stand on the right.” | A: “這裡有計程車嗎?” B: “有的,右邊就有計程車招呼站。” |
A: “How do I get to the subway station?” B: “Go out the main exit, take a right, and the station will be on your left.” | A: “我要怎麼搭地鐵呢?” B: “走出主出口,右轉後就是地鐵站了。” |
7. 遇到緊急狀況 (Emergency Situations)
Lost(丟失) 、Help(幫忙)、Security(安保)、First aid(急救)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “I lost my phone! Can you help me?” B: “Please go to Lost and Found at Gate C.” | A: “我的手機不見了!可以幫我嗎?” B: “請去C門的失物招領處看看。” |
A: “I feel dizzy. Is there a first aid station?” B: “Yes, the first aid station is near Gate A.” | A: “我有點頭暈,急救站在哪裡?” B: “急救站就在A門旁邊。” |
A: “Can you call security? I think someone is stealing.” B: “I’ll call them right now. Please stay here.” | A: “能打給安保嗎?我覺得有人在偷東西。” B: “我馬上打,請你待在這裡。” |
8. 紀念品購物 (Buying Souvenirs)
Merchandise(商品) 、Shirt(T恤)、Cap(帽子)、Jersey(球衣)
Souvenir(紀念品) 、Discount(折扣)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “How much is this jersey?” B: “The jersey is [价格] dollars.” | A: “這件球衣多少錢?” B: “這件球衣是[價格]元。” |
A: “Is there a discount on this item?” B: “Yes, it’s 10% off today.” | A: “這個有折扣嗎?” B: “今天有 10% 的折扣哦!” |
A: “Do you have this in a smaller size?” B: “Let me check. We have size S available.” | A: “有沒有小一點的尺寸?” B: “我來看看,我們有 S 號。” |
- 事先了解球場和比賽規則: 知道隊伍、球員和比賽進程,會讓你更能融入現場氣氛。
- 使用翻譯App: 如果遇到不懂的單字,翻譯App可以即時幫你解決語言問題。
- 保持耐心和微笑: 如果語言不通,試著用肢體語言和笑容溝通,大多數工作人員都會很樂意幫忙。
二. 出國旅遊的常用英文
1. 機場報到:順利通關的第一步
check-in(登機)、boarding pass(登機牌)、luggage(行李)、security check(安檢)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “Hi, I’d like to check in for my flight to [destination].” B: “Sure! Can I see your passport and booking reference?” | A: 嗨,我要辦理飛往[目的地]的登機手續。 B: 當然!可以看一下你的護照和訂位參考號碼嗎? |
A: “Here you go. Can I get a window seat?” B: “Let me check… Yes, we’ve got a window seat for you. Here’s your boarding pass.” | A: 給你,請問可以給我靠窗的座位嗎? B: 讓我查一下…好的,我們幫你安排了靠窗的座位,這是你的登機牌。 |
2. 飯店入住:輕鬆入住,享受舒適的住宿
reservation(預訂)、key(鑰匙)、single room(單人房)、double room(雙人房)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “Hi, I have a reservation under the name [your name].” B: “Welcome! Let me check… Yes, we have your reservation. Here’s your room key.” | A: “嗨,我有預訂,名字是[你的名字]。” B: “歡迎光臨!讓我查一下…對,有為您預訂房間,這是你的房間鑰匙。” |
A: “Is it possible to get a late check-out?” B: “Sure, we can extend your check-out time until [time].” A: “Thanks!” | A: “請問可以延遲退房嗎?” B: “沒問題,我們可以延長到[時間]退房。” A: “謝謝!” |
3. 餐廳用餐:品味美食,語言無障礙
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “Can I have a menu, please?” B: “Of course, here you go!” | A: “可以給我菜單嗎?” B: “當然,這是您的菜單!” |
A: “I’ll have the chicken salad, please.” B: “Sure, anything to drink?” A: “A glass of water, please.” | A: “我要點雞肉沙拉。” B: “好的,請問要喝什麼?” A: “請給我一杯水。” |
A: “Can I pay with a card?” B: “Yes, we accept credit cards.” A: “Thanks! Here’s a tip for you.” | A: “可以用卡片付款嗎?” B: “可以,我們接受信用卡付款。” A: “謝謝!這是小費。” |
4. 打車與公共交通:高效出行,輕鬆旅遊
taxi(計程車)、bus stop(公車站)、ticket(車票)、subway(地鐵)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “How much is a taxi to [destination]?” B: “It’ll be about [price] dollars.” A: “Okay, let’s go!” | A: “到[目的地]的計程車要多少錢?” B: “大概是[價格]美元。” A: “好的,那我們走吧!” |
A: “Where is the nearest subway station?” B: “It’s just around the corner, to the left.” | A: “最近的地鐵站在哪裡?” B: “就在轉角那邊,左邊。” |
A: “How much is a one-way ticket?” B: “It’s [price] dollars.” | A: “單程票多少錢?” B: “單程票是[價格]美元。” |
5. 觀光旅遊:暢遊名勝,發現世界之美
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “How much is the ticket to the museum?” B: “It’s [price] dollars.” | A: “博物館的門票是多少錢?” B: “是[價格]美元。” |
A: “Are there any guided tours available?” B: “Yes, we offer English tours at [time].” | A: “有提供導遊服務嗎?” B: “有的,我們提供[時間]的英文導覽。” |
A: “Can you recommend any nearby attractions?” B: “You should definitely check out [attraction name], it’s really popular!” | A: “可以推薦附近的景點嗎?” B: “你一定要去[景點名字],那裡超有名的!” |
6. 購物:購物無憂,帶回美好回憶
sale(打折)、receipt(收據)、discount(折扣)、try on(試穿)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “How much is this shirt?” B: “It’s [price] dollars.” | A: “這件T恤多少錢?” B: “這是[價格]美元。” |
A: “Is this on sale?” B: “Yes, it’s 20% off today.” | A: “這個有打折嗎?” B: “有的,今天打八折。” |
A: “Can I try it on?” B: “Sure, the fitting rooms are over there.” | A: “我可以試穿嗎?” B: “當然,試衣間就在那邊。” |
A: “I’ll take it. Here’s my card.” B: “Thank you! Here’s your receipt.” | A: “我要這件,這是我的信用卡。” B: “謝謝!這是你的收據。” |
7. 退稅:購物後的退稅流程
tax refund(退稅)、receipt(收據)、form(表格)、customs(海關)
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “I’d like to apply for a tax refund.” B: “Sure, do you have your receipts?” | A: “我想辦理退稅。” B: “當然,請問你有帶收據嗎?” |
A: “Yes, here are my receipts.” B: “Please fill out this form. You’ll need to show it at customs when you leave.” | A: “有的,這是我的收據。” B: “請填寫這份表格,離開時在海關會需要它。” |
A: “Do I get the refund right away?” B: “No, you’ll receive it in cash or credited to your card after you show it at the airport.” | A: “我會馬上拿到退稅嗎?” B: “不會,你需要在機場給海關看表格後,才能拿到退稅,會退到現金或信用卡上。” |
8. 突發狀況應對:緊急情況如何用英語處理
常見會話 | 中文 |
A: “I lost my passport! What should I do?” B: “You should go to the embassy or the police station to report it.” | A: “我的護照丟了,該怎麼辦?” B: “你應該去大使館或警察局報失。” |
A: “Where’s the nearest hospital?” B: “The nearest hospital is [hospital name], just a 10-minute walk from here.” | A: “最近的醫院在哪裡?” B: “最近的醫院是[醫院名字],距離這裡走路約10分鐘。” |
A: “Help! I need an ambulance!” B: “I’ll call one right away.” | A: “救命!我需要救護車!” B: “我馬上幫你叫。” |
- 使用翻譯App: 如果遇到語言溝通問題,手機翻譯App或Google翻譯可以幫你快速解決。
- 保持微笑與耐心: 即使有時候語言不通,試著用手勢和微笑來溝通,當地人通常會很願意幫忙。
- 事先了解當地文化: 了解一些當地的習慣和文化,可以讓你更順利融入當地的生活。